Create additional feelings: besides the 92 pre-selected emotions, this erasable, laminated feeling palette contains additional spaces to add your own feelings to any category or intensity.Less intense feelings are toward the edges with lighter typefaces (“embarrassed, worried”) Clarify different intensity within feeling groups: the most intense emotions (“paralyzed, overwhelmed”) are located toward the center of the feeling identification chart, with bold, outlined text.Or ask “What don’t you feel?” to explore what feelings may be missing from your life. Demonstrate opposite feelings: looking across the wheel, you can discover emotions opposite how you are feeling: happy vs.For example, within “angry,” extensions include “offended,” “bitter,” “furious” and “betrayed”. Illustrate extensions of those feelings: A total of 92 emotions are categorized, allowing more granular explanations of exactly how your client feels.

Our feeling wheel places 92 emotions into 6 categories to show the connections and relationships between them, making it a tremendous tool for teachers, parents, school counselors, therapists, residential treatment centers and more. “The Color of Feelings” is a convenient, laminated 8x11 inch feeling identification chart that makes feelings easy to understand and explain.